Obviously, the kitchen needed a lot of work.
We started by gutting the kitchen and getting rid of the old cabinents.
Just like the other basement rooms, we had to tear up the concrete floor in order to install new water & drain lines. Then we filled in dirt and poured cement over the new water and drain lines.
We added temporary heat, framed up the walls and added the electrical wires.
We insulated the walls and the ceiling, installed soundproof strips and wired the lights in the ceiling. We took out the temporary heating and installed heat ducts.
We added the drywall.
We planned the kitchen layout, and bought all the kitchen cabinents & appliances. Yes, the cabinents all came flat-boxed, which Mike wasn't very happy about.
At this point we realized that the drain the middle of the kitchen floor was about 4 inches lower than the floor next to the outside walls in the kitchen. We closed off the drain, and then began to level out the floor.
Just when we thought we were ready to lay the tile, we found out that not all the cement was adhering to the old floor below it. That meant some of what we had poured needed to be torn back up and re-done. Because we found the new cement adhered better when the old tiles were removed, we also scraped up as many of them as we could.
Time to install the tile & grout in the kitchen.
Finally it's time to put together and start hanging the kitchen cabinents.